
Taken from Good Book

Chapter 4  

1. Who or what is the best counsellor, to counsel us to be wise? Nothing less than life itself.  

2. The beginning of wisdom is the question, the end of wisdom is acceptance;  

3. But in the interval, it is not enough to be wise only with the wisdom of one’s day, for wisdom is of all time.  

 4. To be wise is to know when to act, and when to leave alone.  

 5. To be wise is to know when to speak, and when to be silent.  

6. To be wise is to know that amity and peace do not come from nothing, nor do they sustain themselves without help, but require wisdom for their birth and continuance.  

7. The gaining of knowledge is accumulation; the acquisition of wisdom is simplification.  

 8. Wisdom is the recognition of consequences, a respect for causality and the profit in foresight.  

9. Wisdom lies in bringing the past to serve the future, and in opening one’s ears to hear the voices of the past.

10. Learning may be had without wisdom, and wisdom without learning; but nothing can overthrow their combination.

11. No one came to be wise who did not sometimes fail;

12. No one came to be wise who did not know how to revise an opinion.

13. The wise change their minds when facts and experience so demand. The fool either does not hear or does not heed.

14. But the wise man knows that even a fool can speak truth.

15. Wisdom belongs to everyone, and is possible everywhere: none need lack it who will only allow experience to teach them.

16. Happy are those who encounter someone wise: he reveals treasure when he reproves and guides.